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How-To Guides

Step by step instructions on how to set up specific features.


CameraRigs Spatial Simulator Unity

CameraRigs Tracked Alias Unity

CameraRigs UnityXR

CameraRigs XR Plugin Framework Unity

Indicators Object Pointers Unity

Input Combined Actions Unity

Input Unity Input Manager

Interactions Controllables Unity

Interactions Interactables Unity

Interactions Pointer Interactors Unity

Interactions Spatial Buttons Unity

Locomotors Axis Move Unity

Locomotors Climbing Unity

Locomotors Teleporter Unity

Mutators Collision Ignorer Unity

Mutators Object Follower Unity

Trackers Collider Follower Unity

Trackers Obscurance Tracker Unity

Trackers Pseudo Body Unity

Utilities Object State Switcher Unity

Visuals Collision Fader Unity

Visuals Tooltip Unity